

Since 1998,

I help you to realize your dreams in architecture and interiour design.


It's a great pleasure for me to create a project of your interiour, hotel or restaurant.


Interiour Designer and Architector, for 24 years I create uniques and bespokes interiours.
I collaborate with the greatest design brands wich mixes technologies and haute couture.

Since 1998, I work to create spaces fusioning finest materials, technology and design.

I developed this energy of design since my tender childhood at Saint Germain des Pres in Paris, bathed in Carré Rive Gauche, surrounded by haussmanienne architecture, Jardin du Luxembourg and literary philosophy.

Travelling, galleries and artistic expositions were my insiration as well as discovering of Vancouver for 5 years, the other life phylosophy guided me to open minding.

My schools also enriched my development; school of art and performance, interior decoration and architecture school, haute-couture school, all of them brought me an aptitude to develop the art of living wich combines finest publishing houses and architecture.

Your home is a place of quietude what you are looking for.

It's my pleasure to create a bespoke ambience of your dreams. Working with best publishing houses, luxury fabrics, materials, wall coverings, light fixtures and furniture.

I create a home with a unique charm fot you.


The pleasure of renewal for an interiour that looks like you!

Architecte - Designer d'intérieur - BETTY DECO
Architecte - Designer d'intérieur - BETTY DECO

Designer décoratrice architecte d'intérieur

Rouen 76 Paris 75 Evreux 27 Deauville 14 Haute Basse Normandie France